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Showing posts from November, 2020

Aloha & Welcome

 Aloha! My name is Jasmyn Nuga and this is my blog. Welcome! I am new to the network marketing industry. At first, I was hesitant but it has been such an AMAZING journey so far. You see, before I started this new thing, I was a very sick person. I still am but life has change dramatically thanks to my brother who saw me struggle early this year. I had 3 businesses; I designed t-shirts and websites, sold jewelry, and was trying to start my credit repair business. A lot of my family and friends thought I was crazy and being a hustler. I was actually hustling to pay for my dialysis treatments so I could stay alive. I loved helping especially single Moms with their credit because we all have heard the expression "robbing Paul to pay Peter." My desire was to help them all but because dialysis drained me of any energy and time, it was impossible to keep up. Then, I suffered a heart attack. I am so grateful to my brother for sharing with me a solution that have replaced all 3 busine